Título Poems
Autoras/es Nome  Anna-Marie Aldaz
 Anne C. Bromley
 Barbara N. Gantt
Publicacións  [Poems]
Xénero  LIT_Poesía
Lingua  en Estados Unidos de América - en EUA
Direccionalidade  Directa
Ano  1991
Edición  monolingüe
Formato, volume, fascículo, número, páxinas  
Obra completa, Antoloxía  Antoloxía de Cantares gallegos e Follas novas. Contén: Prologue; I was born in springtime; Bells of Bastabales; Blessed Saint Anthony; Farewell to rivers, farewell to streams; Castilians of Castile; (from Follas novas) Prologue; They say whoever sings of doves and flowers; I know quite well; As the clouds; You will say these verses have a strange; New Leaves! your name; What is this confusion around me?; Some say: my land!; Whether in the heart of the night; Where is this peace; Once a nail pierced my heart; When we are happiest; Perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow, who can say when?; It is no longer bitterness, nor contempt; These voices that come and go; One heartbeat, then another; In winter I wondered; See my heart; With his wave's soft persistent whisper; I keep searching for honey and cool; My hand quivers, my heart beats; Flow on, serene, crystal waters; Into that cup from which you drink; There are soft loves that come in secret; I knew pain and anger; When they wrap me in a shroud; They barked at me as I walked; My soul; Sea, with your depthless waters!; Dig swiftly, dig; Just when I think you have fled; Take me to that crystal fountain; In the sky, clearest blue; I was robbed of my innocence; God placed a veil; "Tick-tock! Tick-tock!" the pendulum repeats; In late afternoon, when I go to pray; Endless May… endless May; Pale moon; How peacefully they glisten; Padrón!… Padrón!; Why, merciful God; There were joyful mornings; The angels came down; Cold months of winter; Always a plaintive cry, a doubt; You say that marriage; I was born with a disease; I hate you, new fields; One after another departs; No bread in the oven, no wood to burn. Selections from En las orillas del Sar [By the River Sar] I hoped this small book of verse • *Through the evergreen • *I hear the soothing bells • Some are tall • The day was mild • Earth, to cover the unburied body • Sweet fragrance foretells • The air is white-hot • A gentle river, a narrow path • Stop a moment, restless thought • The sun was dying, and withered oak leaves • The rythmic crash of the wave • Along the beach, thirsty sands • Foolish soul as you flee from yourself • When I remember the golden sea • Along the old road, a pine-grove • In their tomb, passions now sleep • She believed you would reign forever in her soul • He feels that you, vital flame • Don't climb so high, foolish thought • Some slandered him • In their prisons of hawthorns and roses • The spring has ceased to flow- • The waters and hills are ashen • God knows all too well that those wholeave • Pale-hued rosebud • In his slanted blue eyes • Once he was the heaven of her soul, the dream of her dreams • "I love you ... Why do you hate me?" • Black or white butterflies, I do not care • Though always pale, the moon changes • A mournful shadow, undefined and vague • Vertigo pulled his wild, blind fantasies • She carried one thought in her soul • When storm clouds gather • Rivers overflow when mountain streams • He longs for tranquility • When the North wind blows cold • In my small garden • Echoing slowly all the church bells • She feels regret • I care for a delicate plant • Birds in the air, moss on the rock • Thrown from its orbit, the human spirit tumbles • In the organ's echo or in the murmuring wind • They say the plants, streams, and birds do not speak • Every time she recalls that shame • She remembers the birds' warble • As long as the silver threads • The hearts of some people • Whenever I hear • I, in my bed of thistles- • Chased by a swift skylark • Should you arrive late to the feast of the gods • It was April, and the purple lilies • I love them and listen to them • Even though my body is freezing • You envy blondes • Those who are not in love think that • Human justice! I search for you • Incurably ill, she believed • My heart has one taut string • Those who cry are not alone • "This cup of fine gold • I am sure I was not born to hate • House after hour, day after day • Oh my Christ, when I forget you.
Tipo de edición  1ª edición
ISBN  978-0-7914-0582-6
Lugar de edición: editora, colección  Albany: State University of New York Press (SUNY Press)
Localización e signatura  
Fonte  Catálogo do Consello da Cultura Galega
Soporte  No ano 1995, en lugar de facer unha nova edición, a editorial decidiu dixitalizar o texto para facilitar o acceso.
Introdución e notas  Edición de Anna-Marie Aldaz, Barbara N. Gantt e Anne C. Bromley. Introdución crítica, diversas notas para explicar o proceso de tradución das tradutoras, e os prólogos de Cantares gallegos e Follas novas, que aínda non foran traducidos ata á data, e constituían uns dos poucos textos autobiográficos da autora.
Textos críticos  