Título |
Selected Poems |
Autoras/es Nome |
Michael Smith.
Publicacións |
Cantares gallegos
Ilustracións |
Xénero |
LIT_Poesía |
Lingua |
Inglés (Reino Unido) - en GB |
Direccionalidade |
Indirecta |
Ano |
2007 |
Edición |
monolingüe |
Formato, volume, fascículo, número, páxinas |
132 p |
Obra completa, Antoloxía |
Antoloxía de Cantares Gallegos. Contén: When I hear you toll; There in the early morning; In the quiet evening; Every star, its diamond; The wind blows, the river flows; (from Follas novas) A Few Words from the Author; I well know there is nothing; As the clouds; You will say about these verses, and it's true; What's happening around me?; New leaves! the name you bear; Some people say, My country!; Once I had a nail; When one is very, very lucky; Today or tomorrow, who can say when?; That buzz of songs and laughter; Now neither rancour nor disdain; Quiet!; Goodbye!; In the Cathedral; No Charge; Weeping I thought each night; Who Does Not Lament?; Sea, with your unfathomed waters; Dig fast, dig; When I think you are gone; Happiness is treacherous; Tick-tock, tick-tock, in the silent night; Flow, serene crystal waves; How placid the sparkling!; Padrón!… Padrón! |
Tipo de edición |
1ª edición |
9781905700448 |
Lugar de edición: editora, colección |
Exeter: Shearsman Books |
Localización e signatura |
Fonte |
Soporte |
Introdución e notas |
Tradución e introdución do poeta irlandés Michael Smith |
Textos críticos |
This selection covers the author's work in both of her languages - her native Galego (Galician) and also Castilian Spanish. A revolutionary figure in both languages, albeit for different reasons, her work is an essential stepping-stone on the way to 20th-century Spanish poetry, and - in Galician - the beginnings of modern poetry in the language. Much misunderstood and indeed under-rated in her time - above all by the major (male) Castilian poets - she came to be viewed in the 20th century as a major figure by poets such as Lorca and Cernuda. This is the first major collection of her work in English. Michael Smith is well-known for his work translating from Spanish - Vallejo (for Shearsman Books), Miguel Hernández, Garcia Lorca, Neruda, Machado, Góngora, Quevedo and many others. |
Premio(s) |
O labor do tradutor foi recoñecido en 2001 cando recibiu a medalla da Academia Europea das Artes. |
Observacións |
Tradución dende o galego e dende o castelán |
Ficheiros |