Título | [A] By the Paths of Literature: Galician writers of PEN |
Autoras/es Nome | Andrew Thomas Miller Gabrielle Witthaus Kathleen N. March María Casal |
Publicacións | [A] Polos camiños da Literatura. Escritores galegos do Pen |
Ilustracións | |
Xénero | LIT_Narrativa_Relatos |
Lingua | Inglés - en |
Direccionalidade | Directa |
Ano | 1993 |
Edición | monolingüe |
Formato, volume, fascículo, número, páxinas | |
Obra completa, Antoloxía | Antoloxía. Inclúe: Xavier Alcalá, 55th Parallel; Vicente Araguas, Hoping She Doesn't Leave; For the Letter that Glossed Luis de Camoes; Sighs for Spain; The White Cat; Let the Twist Go On; Alberto Avendaño, Marmalade; Fermín Bouza Álvarez, There Was a Rain Shower in the Conversations; Darío Xohán Cabana, The Shoeshiner; Quirón de Navia; Carlos Casares, Jacob the Jew; Alfredo Conde, An Air of Triumph; Xosé Fernández Ferreiro, August 1936 (excerpt); Francisco Xosé Fernández Naval, The End of the Gods; Carlos Reigosa, The Treasure of Petro Xesto; Salvador García-Bodaño, May wings of absence embrace you; Compostela is a long road; Ambroa; Antonio García Teijeiro, Let, upon the memory of silences; The angels of human madness; Lament XII; It is not easy to reject the water; Lament XIII; Final Lament; Úrsula Heinze, I Can See Something that You Can't See; Modesto Hermida García, Prologue (II); Sea Waves; Conclusion (II); Antón López Dobao, Reflection-1; Reflections-2; For A. Q.; Arm, I could arm every day; Arcadio López-Casanova, Working the Land (VI); Child of the Orphanage; In the Shadow of the Birch Rods; Such a Bay Tree of Light…; Kathleen March, Love of Mine; Marina Mayoral, Nine Months and a Day; Xosé Luís Méndez Ferrín, She, Boomerang; María Victoria Moreno, It's a dream that keeps repeating itself; David Otero, Moncho; Xosé Ramón Pena, Profane Concert; Xesús Rábade Paredes, Prelude; Euloxio Ruibal, The Gargoyle; Antón Risco, The Old Woman; Manuel Rivas, Black Bread; Xavier Rodríguez Barrio, Journey to Ashes; Limbo; Dearest Mask; Afterthoughts; Suso de Toro, Here We Are; Getting Up Early; What a Laugh; Xohana Torres, Marvellous Cities; Penelope; Elegies to Lola; Ship Ahoy; Luís Tosar, Tools of Identity; Return to Compostela; Helena Villar Janeiro, Kennington Road; Mistress of All Time; Doe amidst the Bullrushes. |
Tipo de edición | 1ª edición |
ISBN | 84-453-0771-1 |
Lugar de edición: editora, colección | A Coruña: PEN Club of Galicia |
Localización e signatura | |
Fonte | |
Soporte | Papel |
Introdución e notas | |
Textos críticos | |
Premio(s) | |
Observacións | |
Ficheiros |